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🌌 Why did we create interchain_public_works?

interchain_public_works (“IPW”) is a public repo which helps coordinate and aggregate backlogs across various interchain projects.

We believe that

IPW can help by offering Sane Defaults (or “Convention Over Configuration”) for the way we manage projects

We’ll know we’re right, if

🌌🌌 Who benefits from IPW?

Anyone who’s trying to understand software at a high level across the interchain:

🌌🌌🌌 What exactly does IPW do?

IPW is primarily a GH Issues board, although who knows? Maybe some code will work its way in here.

🌌🌌🌌🌌 How do I use it?

The main board lives at${NUMBER_FOR_PROJECT_CALLED_“interchain_public_works”}.

See a record of Plans, Hypotheses, Explorations, Experiments, and Learnings at the Interchain Public Works PHEELblog.

🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌 Extras